Opportunity Zone Investing
Invest your capital gains in Qualified Opportunity Zones to reduce taxes
Merge your personal Opportunity Zone Fund with Caliber, and we'll handle the management of your capital and assets
Potential Benefits for Individual Accredited Investors
Eliminate Capital Gains Tax
If you hold the Opportunity Zone Fund investment for at least 10 years, any capital gain appreciation earned from the Opportunity Zone Fund investment is not taxed upon disposition. This is the most significant tax benefit provided by Opportunity Zones.
Defer Taxes
You have 180 days from the sale of your business or investment to reinvest the proceeds in a Qualified Opportunity Zone. You defer taxes from the original sale through December 31, 2026, or when the investment in the Opportunity Zone Fund is sold, whichever comes earlier.
Unlock Compounding Potential
The capital gains held in this fund can potentially generate earnings, which can then be reinvested or remain invested in an Opportunity Zone Fund with the goal of creating its own earnings. This idea is to generate earnings from previously earned capital gains.
Impact Communities in Need
The funds raised support the building and revitalization of underserved communities throughout the country, thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. This fund injects capital into these areas using commercial real estate projects, potentially bringing in new businesses, jobs, and people to stimulate socio and economic growth of the area.
Caliber's Opportunity Zone Offerings

QOF Roll-up Program
Tired of managing an Opportunity Zone Fund?
Since 2017, savvy investors have created personal Qualified Opportunity Funds to reduce capital gains from the sale of a business or other investments, only to find themselves nearing the 30-month deadline for reinvestment without the expertise to manage commercial real estate.
Let Caliber step in and leverage its 15 years of experience finding, evaluating, and managing commercial real estate to handle your fund and investment for you. We will acquire your existing QOF and merge the assets and capital into one or multiple Caliber OZ funds or single asset investments.